
发布时间:2017-12-01 浏览量:86

Congress: 9th ICCM2018

Date: 6-10 August, 2018

Host City: Rome, Italy

Key Dates:

Registration start on: December 1st, 2017

Mini-symposium (MS) title submission due: December 31st, 2017

Abstracts or papers submission: March 30th, 2018

Notification of acceptance of abstracts or papers: March 30th, 2018

Deadline for Early-Bird registration: April 30th, 2018

Deadline for regular payments: June 30th, 2018

Deadline for submitting final revised abstracts or papers: July 21th, 2018

Congress Homepage:http://www.sci-en-tech.com/ICCM/index.php/ICCM2018/ICCM2018