About IVSN

About IVSN
Release Time:2017-09-13

The Institute of Vibration, Shock and Noise (IVSN) was found in 1978 and also is the one of the first PhD-awarding branches and the state Key disciplines. In 1995 the State Key Lab of Vibration, Shock and Noise was found here. It’s famous in China and overseas as a scientific research institute and an advanced technological talent cultivation base. IVSN is oriented to the basic research and application studies of vibration, shock and noise of mechanical systems, as well as the associated signal processing and intelligent maintenance. The ultimate goal, aiming at the construction of our national economy, is to develop frontier theories, methods and technologies of vibration, shock, noise and fault diagnosis through theoretical study and experimental analysis.

VSN now has 36 faculties, of which 13 are professors, 6 are associated professors and 2 are advanced engineers. Professor WeiKang Jiang is the current director of the institute and Professor FuCai Li is the secretary of the Party branch. We also have one Chief scientist of ‘973’ project, two Distinguished Professors of Chang Jiang Scholars Program and two Distinguished Young Scholars of National Science Fund.

Up to now, more than 200 students awarded PhD degree and more than 300 students awarded master’s degree here. Two students awarded the third and fifth National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation respectively. Four students awarded Shanghai National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations and so on. Now about 70 PhD degree candidates and about 80 master’s degree candidates are doing their research work.

We have been undertaking a number of important projects since its foundation, such as the State Key Fundamental Research Programs, National High-Tech Research and Development Program,  National Natural Science Foundation projects (NSFC), International Cooperation and Exchange projects, pre-studied project of “973 Program, major projects of National Key Technologies R&D Program, and major and key projects of Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai, etc.

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